Thursday, September 27, 2012

Money, Money, Money!

(That's a need, sadly, not a declaration.  Or an offer. Didn't mean to get your hopes up.)

So, I've finally managed to create a PayPal account and make a little "Donate" button, and plop right there on the right-hand side of the page.  This means I can now accept donations of funds, and hopefully make enough money to keep body and soul together.

Or at least pay the rent.  If the soul needs to wander off for a while, then so be it. 

So the immediate mountains to climb are:

• $500 to pay the remainder of the upcoming rent.  (Meaning the blog [and, more importantly, myself] are not cut off from useful things like shelter, electricity, internet access…)

• $125-150 to buy an additional hard drive, so I can download and store more content.  (Meaning more and more posts to come, including one masssive project that could be described as…um…

"Insane?"  Yes, thank you, Willow.  I'd have gone with "quirky", myself.  (Not to say that "insane" might not be correct, after all.)

• $50 to buy an MKV video converter, to transcode some of said content into forms I can play on this old thing.  The freeware ones just aren't cutting it; it takes a DAY (no, I'm not kidding, sadly) to turn 2+ hours of 720p content into a viewable .avi or .mp4 file for me.  (This is part of the reason the commencement of regular posting here has been delayed.)

And I guess at some point I'll need to pay the electric bill.  Or buy food.  But that's down the road a bit, so first things first.

And I promise not to blatantly beg for $$$ in the future.  At least not very often.  Hopefully we can turn this into a lean, clean, cash-generating machine and I can just shut up (about money) and ramble on (about everything else) and all will be well. 

(And, probably for the short term, anyhow, there will be some Google AdSense ads popping up.  A necessary evil, bu I hope to dispose with those, eventually.  Of course, first I've got to get the AdSense account started, and that's proving to be a pain, so we're "pure" for now.  Fight capitalism! Don't let "the man" win! Rah!  Or whatever.)

So if 25 kind souls just give $20 each…or 20 souls give $25 apiece…or one sugarmama/daddy coughs up the whole wad, we'll be good to go!

And, now that I'm not giving it away for free…coming soon…actual content!  Honest!

Be excited.  (Or terrified. Your choice. I'm easy.)



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