Even MORE Survivor? Sure, why not? ("Because we're sick of it, that's why not!' Oh, shush.)
Previously on Survivor: Jeff Kent was ballsy enough to play the underdog in rallying Wounded Knee against Jonathan, but Jonathan found the idol because (unlike most of the players) he's not a *complete* idiot. The Facts of Survivor were that Lisa wasn't very good socially, and was in danger. RC and her breasts made an alliance with Abi and her ass, but Abi was a paranoid nutbar, which is generally not what you look for in an alliance. Matsuck lost again, and Russell was much pissed. Godless Whore Denise was the swing vote, and decided that letting Malcolm keep his cuddlebuddy Miss Utah Teen around would help her down the road.
Sixteen are left, two are enjoying showers and toilet paper. Who will rediscover hygiene…TONIGHT??
Night 6 (apparently we kind of skipped past Day 6, somewhere…) finds Matsuck returning to Russell-by-the-Sea. Angie is upset that Roxanne dared campaign against her at Tribal, and says everybody knows that she and Malcolm are nothing but friends. Russell and Godless Whore Denise nod agreement, as does Malcolm's boner. As Mangie snuggle like "just friends" do everywhere, Russell notes that he can't split those votes up, so if they go back to Tribal and Denise doesn't want to pull a rock, then he is as fucked as Malcolm's Middle hopes Angie will be, and soon.
Credits! With actual people in them, including the departed InZane and Not-that-Foxy Roxy. Amazing.
Day 7
At The Facts of Tandang, RC's Righteous Chest and Apeshit Abi are acting out scenes from the World's Worst Lesbian Marriage. RC wants to find the Idol, but Abi twisted her knee (Jeff Kent and his torn ligament are crying for you, Abi, I'm sure) and wants to work on her sunburn today. She's worried that RC will think she's a liability if she's not 100%, RC assures her that she isn't, and Abi is like "you've said that 10 times already". Well then, you might want to accept it, no?
Well, no. RC says Abi won't let her finish a sentence, Abi says that RC is putting words in her mouth, and it's only a matter of time before one of them is screwing a cute philosophy student from the college. (Said student appears to be being played by Mike Skupin, which really fucks up my metaphor here, but whatever.) RC starts to leave, Abi says "fine, go!", RC actually whines "Abi, stop this!" like five times, Abi insists she's not fighting…yeah, this is SO over. And meanwhile, their cat is going to be left wondering where its other mommy went. So sad.
RC wades into the surf, Mike comes to give her a shoulder to cry on (you know, for a minister, Mike's got some smooth moves; just saying), and Apeshit Abi throws death glares over her shoulder at them as she stalks off the beach.
"Man, I'm gonna miss that sweet Brazilian behind…" |
"Oh, Mike! My wife doesn't turst me any more! Why doesn't she believe me?" |
Young love. It's not easy. Sigh.
So Abi goes to cuddle up with the naughty divorcee down the street (Peter, and I really should have made him the student and Mike the "older woman", shouldn't I? Oh, well) and spills the rice, er, beans, about her and RC's finding the Idol clue. Which I'm sure will make Peter trust his "alliance" with Abi all the more, knowing that Abi and RC kept this from him. Pete's reluctant to get caught in-between Abi and RC's crumbling marriage, but he says he actually hasn't been keeping his mouth shut because he's an idiot (as RC, Reader of Character, thought), but he's paying attention and watching everything. The editors helpfully insert a shot of a hawk, in case we were having trouble coming up with a metaphor.
Peter finds Lisa, and tells her that everyone wants her out, but he wants Mike out, so is she in? Lisa would rather lose RC (because hot girls are too tempting to her and she wants to stay pure for Nancy McKeon), but she's willing to go along with greasing Mike (who, remember, is the only one who knows Lisa's deep, dark secret, that she was famous on a show none of these kids have ever seen). Peter says the two of them, coupled with Abi's jealous rage at Mike, is enough to toss Skupin into the fire (sorry!) and then they can get out RC next. Interestingly enough, not only does Peter never mention Artis in these discussions, but Artis has yet to appear on camera in this entire "Telenovela at Tandang" segment. Apparently, he's off auditioning for a role as an Invisible Man.
Over to Wounded Knee, where Dana sits on the rice box and notices the Big Obvious Idol is missing. Jonathan plays it casual, but Jeff Kent goes and tells Carter (who I'm thinking may be our Designated Homosexual for the season, although they haven't made an issue of it yet) and Dawson (who I'm just now noticing is black…you get the feeling I'm not watching things as well as Peter is? Yeah, me, too.), and Carter points out that it's probably the Idol. Jeff interviews that he feels like an idiot, granted that he actually touched the damn thing, but this is sort of a bonding experience for him and Carter and Dawson, and they agree that if they don't let Jonathan know they suspect he has an Idol, and act as if he's not a target, they can easily blindside him. Carter walks off, confident from his frosted hair to his tight, fire-engine-red pants.
Matsuck has lost its raft. Yes, really. They forgot to pull it above high tide and it drifted off in the night. Even the raft can smell the stench of loser here. But I don't know that they were doing a lot of fishing, anyway.
Malcolm and Denise chat about how his loyalty is with her, not Miss Utah Teen, and if they lose the next challenge, they can decide between her and Russell, who will campaign against each other. "We're just sitting in the middle," says Malcolm, making my job way too easy. And then Denise actually says "Malcolm in the Middle" and Frankie Muniz's lawyer files a demand for residuals.
Despite the fact they just told us that it was Day 7 over at Russellville, we're off to the immunity challenge. Did nothing happen over the next two days? Might as well have a reward challenge to occupy the castaways' time, then, don't you think?
The challenge is the traditional "dive and untie stuff' challenge, with a spell-a-word puzzle at the end. First two tribes to finish get immunity, and also fishing kits of various quality. Abi and Lisa sit out for Nick at Mike, Katie (as invisible as Artis, among the "new stars" spotlighted in episode 1) and Dawson sit for Wounded Knee. Both Abi and Dawson sat out last time, so that "you cannot sit the same people in consecutive challenges" rule appears to be dead. How did Abi "twist" her knee anyway? Standing on the sidelines and cheering last time? Feh.
Dana and Artis easily get their tribe's first pieces, but Miss Utah Teen struggles at the depth of…uh, two feet. Russell must be wanting to heave. Jeff Kent is back with Wounded Knee's second piece before Angie even gets Matsuck's first, and when she does make it back, Pete is right behind her, so Matsuck is almost lapped before they begin.
The three veterans all grab their pieces (but remember, Jonathan and Mike's tribes are a piece ahead) but Russell can't climb the damn ladder to get out of the water. Jesus. Meanwhile, Mike has managed to shatter Facts of Tandang's mask, so not only does he complete this round of Wound Bingo ("O-72, facial cuts!" "Bingo!"), but now RC's Righteous Chest will have to dive with no mask, if they hope to avoid having Tribal turn into Lesbian Divorce Court.
Carter gets piece #4 for Wounded Knee as Denise at least keeps pace with RC, bringing in #3 alongside RC's #4 (but Dana is already working on #5 for Wounded Knee by this point). RC turns right around and goes to get #5, and Malcolm, already a piece behind, doesn't seem to be making up much time. Jeff dives in for #6.
RC actually lengthened her lead on Malcolm and turns right back around for #6, despite the fact the pieces are pretty deep now. Miss Utah Teen begs off getting anything deeper than two frickin' feet, so Russell goes out for #5, his tribe already more than a piece behind. Jeff brings home #6 and RC, apparently a River Creature, isn't that far behind. Meanwhile, Russell flubs his first attempt at getting #5 for Matsuck.
Jonathan brings home #7 as Mike finally relieves RC. (I guess Artis begged off, too, and Pete is saving himself for #8.) Russell shows his leadership by quitting and coming back empty-handed. He struggles up the ladder again and starts praying the other tribes can't spell. For a guy named "Swan", he's kind of a dead duck in the water.
Denise gets #5, Carter gets #8, Malcolm gets #6, and RC again (doesn't trust anyone else, I guess) goes and gets #8 for Telenovela. Denise gets #7, and Wounded Knee has put their puzzle pieces on the spindle backwards (D'oh!) so Skupin Bloody Skupin's tribe is now in the lead.
Malcolm brings back #8 and the editors try and make us think things are tight, by showing insert shots of Matsing's blue wheels with the correct letters getting into place. In reality, Jonathan the Puzzle Master figures the word ("Treasure") out first, and Peter gets it a little later, leaving Matstink with "Vzeubqcr" on their wheel, and another visit to Tribal in their future. Miss Utah Teen strikes a pouty pose, implants firm and proud:
"Hey, it's not my fault if I can't dive. These are flotation devices, you know." |
Miss Utah Teen then has the amazing gall to call out Russell for his poor performance in the challenge. Yes, the girl who made one attempt, at a depth of two feet, struggled and then didn't try again, she's complaining about Russell. Apparently "D" isn't just her Rent-a-Cup size, it was her favorite grade in school. Sheesh.
And guess what? There are still NINETEEN minutes left in the show (not counting the ads, which I don't have). If I have to spend all that time watching Russell and Miss Utah Teen "strategize", I'm going to throw myself in a fire.
No, first we're going to check on the actual functioning tribes, before returning to the trainwreck that is Matstink. Oh, and it's only Day 8, so we just skipped one day, apparently.
Wounded Knee is thrilled to see their fishing gear and canoe waiting for them, and Jonathan gets Jeff alone, confesses he has the Idol and tries to make an alliance based on his being willing to share the information. Jeff says all the right things. fibbing like a champ, and they shake on it. But although Jeff interviews that "it's a me game, not a we game", he's still not committed, and doesn't feel bound by the handshake because he only let Jonathan clasp his hand, keeping one finger flying free, as opposed to a "manly handshake" where Jeff would clasp him back. I thought a "manly handshake" involved reaching around with the free hand to grab the other guy's butt and rubbing your cocks against each other, but I suppose I could be wrong…
At Poontang, Mike is recounting the story of how the mask broke, while Invisible Artis turns off the cloaking device to interview that he's upset they didn't win, which he blames on Mike's breaking the mask. Seems Mike dove in while wearing the mask, after he had told Artis not to do that. Yeah, that was the problem, not Artis and Peter letting Mike and RC do all the work or anything. So now Artis wants Mike out. It's almost cute how he has no idea about all the alliances and other dynamics going on in the tribe. I guess the cloaking device works in both directions.
Poontang decides to go clam-digging, which is not a metaphor for RC and Abi having make-up sex. Although that would be more fun than going back to watch Matstink, obviously. (Heck, watching Mike injure himself would be more fun than that.) But while most of the tribe is digging, Abi and Peter go looking for the Idol. Abi turns over crates, pokes the dirt with a stick, and then finally gets the idea about the Incredibly Obvious Idol on the rice box. She finds it's the Idol, screeches, and says she knew it all along. She's really glad that she's the one who found it, not that cheating skank RC. RC so going to pay for cheating on Apeshit Abi by making other friends!
Having thus killed four minutes of show, we return to the wretched shores of Russellstan, to watch Matstink devour itself. (Not literally. [Unfortunately.])
Malcolm and Denise go off into the woods, to bitch about the girl who struggled in two feet of water and the guy who had trouble climbing the ladder. Godless Whore Denise would like to send Miss Utah Implants home, but recognizes that Malcolm's penis may cast a tiebreaking vote here. Angie pops up, saying that she never said "I can't do this" to beg out of the challenge. This would be a more effective lie if she hadn't said it to Denise:
Well, it is "I can't do it", which is a lot different from "i can't do this", I'm sure. |
Meanwhile, Russell realizes he's alone on the beach, which probably means the other three are plotting against him. Rather than, oh, say, take advantage of the solitude to look for that Idol which he might need and he has the only clue to, he decides to pray and morosely interview about how he can't handle the losing. God helps those who mope themselves, I suppose.
Russell still isn't searching the camp. Meanwhile, Angie gives Malcolm a monologue about how she TOTALLY was going to dive again, but Denise just went first and Angei didn't want to hurt the team. You can see the phrase "Just shut up and suck my dick, already" fighting to get out of Malcolm's mouth, but he manages to force it down. Instead he interviews about how Miss Utah Implants may be a useless idiot, but she's his useless idiot, so that should probably count for something.
Russell interviews about how his ancestors were slaves, blah blah blah. Bet they would have searched the fucking camp…
Tribal Council. I wonder if Probst is pissedt that he hasn't gotten to give the "Fire is Life" speech to Poontang or Wounded Knee yet?
Probst glass-half-fulls that three of them will still be here. He asks about what they've sacrificed to get here, and Denise mentions her daughter, her husband, and the fact that her pimp is going to be real mad she isn't working her corner…I mean that her clients may not be doing well without her. Malcolm says he's been wanting to do this game since he was 12, and it sucks to finally be here and be on a joke tribe, knowing everyone back home is laughing at him. He says that Russell and Angie sucked at the challenge, but maybe that's on him and Denise for not shoving their useless asses aside sooner.
Angie slags Russell for giving up on his second attempt, whereas her saying "I can't do it" was just more proof that she's a fighter, yo! Past Miss Utah Teens everywhere bow their heads in shame.
Russell says he stunk, but we've got 30 more days (most of which won't be a tribes game, but he kind of missed that part last time) and he's mentally tougher, stronger and smarter than the bimbo. Angie says she thinks she's actually better for the tribe than the old guy. Russell plays the "I almost died, you wimp" card, and while Angie says she's willing, Russell continues to berate her for being (metaphorically) out of her depth in just two feet of water.
"Why is Russell so mean? Hasn't he seen my implants? Do Negroes not like breasts? Should I have gotten butt implants instead?" |
Angie sniffles. Malcolm defends her, pointing out that it's not her fault they can't sit her dainty butt out like Abi does on Poontang. (Guess you shouldn't have voted InZane out, then…) Probst "comforts" Miss Utah Teen by claiming the others don't think she's a quitter; they just think she sucks.
Russell votes for Angie, feeling bad he made her cry but you have to FIGHT to win the game. He's totally prepared to make Malcolm cry next, if that's what it takes. Angie votes for Russ, saying "One thing about me is: I never give up." (It would be somewhat more convincing if she didn't have to choke back a half-sob halfway through that sentence.)
With only four votes, Probst barely has enough time to unzip before he has to come back and read them. By 3-1, Angie is out, and Malcolm will have to decide if he wants to cuddle with Russell, now. Probst sends the Purple Putzes back, as they desperately hope they're not the new Ulong. (The tribe that lost every immunity challenge, back in Season 10, and was eventually reduced to just Stephenie. God, I loved them.)
Next episode, Nulong might win something! Or maybe not.
WRAP-UP: And so a perky set of implants goes back on the shelf. On another, more successful, tribe, Angie might have been fun, a ray of silly sunshine in a grinding game. Here though, her uselessness and capacity for delusion made her a luxury the tribe couldn't afford. Fortunately we still have RC and Katie for eye candy…except that Katie is more invisible than Artis. And it was embarrassing that Russell doesn't even look for the Idol, when even Abi (not exactly a brainiac) found one.
Angie didn't leave any comments, but she swears she totally could have! Don't be an Angie, leave a comment. Peace.