Previously on The Amazing Race…CBS seemed to be really cracking down on the downloading of episodes for whatever reason, so we had to wait days for last season's eps, when I was trying to watch them ASAP because I'm a Brenchel fan and because I wasn't doing reviews. Then came the final episode, that wasn't even available in .mp4 and the .avi version was twice as big as it needed to be and the audio-sync was way off. But at that point I was just glad to get the episode, plowed through it, and we were done with the season.
Then, episode 1 of this season had an .mp4 version that kept freezing and an .avi version that was more than double the size it needed to be (800+ MB for an hour show? Ridiculous!) and had the same sound issues. After stopping my review for weeks, I found a way to fix the sound at the point where it was most annoying me (hearing the results of the ping-pong before seeing the actual shots) and plowed through the rest of the episode. What I didn't mention in the last review, though, is that the sync issue got progressively worse as the episode went on, so that by the end it was all fucked up again. (And a rewatch of the S20 finale confirmed that this had been the case as well.) With the ∆ between the audio and video tracks growing incrementally, adjusting the baseline was essentially useless. I certainly don't want to go through that again, but…for episode s21e02, the .mp4 is freezing up AGAIN, so I may have to rely on the .avi, no matter what condition the sound is in.
But…it turns out that re-processing the .mp4 through my conversion program seems to fix the problem, and the "Previously…" segment flowed smoothly. So long as the sound on *this* doesn't get skewed wrongly as well, we're good. And the resulting file is a semi-reasonable 492MB, which still isn't the 350 it should be, but beats the eff out of 864MB for a crappy .avi, no doubt. And I can even go back and download/re-process an .mp4 of 21.01, yay! (Not sure what can be done about last season's finale, though.)
Oh, wait, that's "Previously on 'Watching the Amazing Race on a Computer is Driving Jess Cray-Cray'", my bad. Anyway, with ranting and problems (hopefully) finished, on with the actual Race!
Previously on The Amazing Race: 12 teams jumped off a bridge in Pasadena, annoyed that the tangible benefit of the Express Pass had been replaced with the unlikely windfall of a double prize, should the team that wins Leg 1 take the whole Race. Teams included a pair of Annoying Twins, some Bland Blondes, a SubstiTeam, a gay couple that felt compelled to perpetuate anti-athletic stereotypes (tell it to the LPGA, boys!), the second-string bass player for Megadeth, a girl wtih no legs and the semi-stalker she's basically stuck with, this season's iteration of the Overly-Aggro 30-something Divorced Dude, Texas Twits, Strippers Against Cancer, and two middle-aged dudes named "Rob", of whom the less-annoying turned out to be the control freak who likes to carry an axe. He got axed, unfortunately, and now 10 teams are left. Who will be eliminated (not by Lumber Rob's axe)…next?
Phil phills us in that Shanghai is the world's largest city (really? It passed Tokyo and Mexico City? When?) and also the fastest-growing. Is that a good thing? If you're that populated already, don't you want to do something about the congestion?
The Dominating Divorcees won Leg 1, meaning they might make an extra million, or Legs & Dregs's over-sharing might cost them a second milliion (or one of the eight other teams might win the Race, making the whole point moot), and they'll be leaving at 5.35 a.m. (It's totally bright, though, as this was filmed in the summer.) We're leaving China already, and flying to Surabaya, Indonesia—insta-Bunch! Can't let the Strippers be in danger two legs in a row, you know. Oh, and the Express Pass isn't dead, after all…it's the prize for winning Leg 2. Huh.
Legs and Dregs leave at 5.36, of course. They rehash Leg 1, but that's over…let's move on.
The Bland Blondes (the Blandes? Let's try that for a bit) leave at 5.41. They get a cab without giving me a reason to write anything more, thus justifying their name.
Natty/Naddy leave at 6.05, and Natalie promptly butchers the pronunciation of Surabaya, somehow not seeing the "r" and opting for "Subaya". They get a cab, yell annoyingly at the driver (of course…) and interview that they're used to adversity, what with their being half-Tamil and half-…the other side of the Sri Lankan civil war. (Sorry. Where's Gary when I need him?) They also say that they're used to the Third World, so that will be an advantage for them. Well, they don't seem to know much about Indonesia, though.
Monster Ego (and Kelley) leave at 6.08 (huh, right behind the Twins despite Natty's little attempt at deception) and Rob does a better job of pronouncing "Surabaya" than the Sri Lankans, for what that's worth. He interviews that Kelley used to be married to his (Rob's) best friend, who was killed in a Monster Truck accident (sheesh, what a way to go…) and Rob swooped in and hit that. Er, I mean he was there, comforted her and they fell in love. It's meant to be heartwarming, not skeevy. (IMO, it's a little of both. I don't know if I'd like to be having sex with Kelley and thinking about my dead best friend having done this before, or how I'm only with her because my friend is dead…just saying.)
The first five teams get to the airport. Most teams are on the 10.05 non-stop on Garuda Airlines, but Rob has found the 8.20 Cathay Pacific flight, connecting through Hong Kong. Well, that might be good, depending on how long the window is for changing flights in Hong Kong and if there's a geographical detour involved. Seems a little risky, but he's attracted to the idea of being a lone wolf. Truth be told, I've never really liked the "fly with the pack" strategy, but part of that is just because I hate bunching, honestly.
James and Abba arrive at the airport, with our having been gypped out of seeing their start time. (Grrr…) In fact, we don't see any of the last five teams' starts, so we have no clue how far behind the leaders the Chippenduds actually fell. (Grr, argh.) Everybody is on the Garuda flight, because as the agent tells Gary, the Hong Kong flight has a four-hour layover.
Okay, first props to Gary for being aware of the other flight and checking it out. Secondly, WTF? Monster Idiot apparently didn't think to check if there was a non-stop leaving before noon, which would therefore get in ahead of his all-morning layover in Hong Kong? Whatta maroon.
"We're pulling away from the pack! While these losers are stuck here, we're gonna be…sitting on our asses in Hong Kong! For FOUR HOURS! Ha-ha, fooled them all!" |
It turns out that the Garuda flight actually goes through Jakarta (gee, thanks for telling us that, show!) and while it's more geographically-direct, the question now is whether the changeover is quick enough to compensate for Monster Gamble's 1 hour, 45 minute head start. Apparently, the editors have decided to keep this from us, trying to build suspense. This is, frankly, a cheap tactic, and makes me worry about the quality of this episode…or of the season as a whole. Will the editors be pulling this sort of shit to make up for a boring season? Or are they doing it because they've become incompetent hacks? Or is this just a once-off, and I should really just relax? (Sing it!) We'll see, I suppose…
Making this more complex is that while the Jakarta teams are booked on a 5.45 connection, there's a 4.35 flight that's full, but James and Abba get the first spot in the standby line, and get on board. So, now if we knew how long the Jakarta layover was, we'd know if MegaJames just cut enough time off of it that they'll be out of there in less than 2hrs 15 mins, and thus caught up/ahead of Rob and Kelley. Or is the basic layover in Jakarta just 2 hours, Rob and Kelley are last, and this development is only of interest because "Long Hair, Don't Care" (the other teams' nickname for Jabba, apparently) have just clinched the Express Pass, essentially? Which would make for a REALLY boring Leg, with both first and last place essentially determined before the first commercial, and might explain the stupid "mystery" editing.
But still, just show me what I'm watching, show. Sigh.
Jabba (it's a good mash-up name, but James and Abba don't weigh as much as Lando Calrissian, combined, so it's not really appropriate…damn) fly to Surabaya and we cut back to Hong Kong, where Rob and Kelley are still waiting. This would not be good at all, if the editing is to be believed…Hong Kong is only about 30% of the distance from Shanghai to Surabaya; if they haven't left yet AND they have a significantly longer flight than Jakarta-Surabaya ahead of them, then they're as dead as Kelley's first husband. Looks like one of those legs where the producers are pretty much praying for an injury to spice things up. Ulp.
Everyone but Rob/Kelley lands in Surabaya (MegaRace being an hour ahead, of course) but as it's dark here and the clue is at a sports stadium (again?) maybe we're all waiting until morning and it's another bunch…and we've just wasted the entire first segment. Which would be a suck of a different kind.
In less than thrilling news, the Terror Twins have bonded with Trey and Lexi. And just when I was kind of liking Lexi, dim though she appears to be…
Abba discovers that all their success merely allows them to grab #1, the first position for the "races" that will start at 8.00 the next morning. Well, it's better than a total bunch, I suppose. He settles down for a long night, like a good Super Trouper.
Legs and Dregs pull #2, just ahead of the Dominating Divorcees. Then the Chippendudes grab #4, and then it's a melee with everyone seeing the "take a number" wall. Fuck 'em, Horns! is 5th, Terror Twins 6th, Goat Guys 7th, the Blandes 8th, and thus SubstiTeam is 9th, bringing up the (almost-)rear.
Monster Clod (and Kelley) pull up later, in 10th. The editors annoy me again by not showing just what time it is. Monster Tool (ooh, I like that one…the "T" fits, and so does the description) smugs his way through an interview about how he likes "glidin' under the radar", while Kelley has a huge grin on her face that either means they somehow survived despite this screw-up, or they got bounced and she's just laughing at his inability to admit he blew it.
It turns out this is bull-racing, and it turns out that this "task" involves literally doing nothing. The race is between a team of two bulls and a couple of mopeds, and the Racers merely sit on the backs of the mopeds which are being driven by "professional" drivers. And it doesn't matter whether or not the mopeds beat the bulls. (They don't.) Basically, you show up, sit on the back of a moped, go across a field, and get your clue. Utter non-action. For fuck's sake. (In Race 4, there was a "sport" that involved being dragged through cow flop. Now *that* was fun. And, an actual sport; you had to do the task correctly to move on. Or you got more cow flop.)
James and Abba, whom I don't actually want to see dragged through cow flop, get their clue and are told to go to a bridge to find their next clue. James almost looks bored by the non-events of this morning, too.
Various other "Racers" enthuse about the excitement of sitting on the back of a moped while bulls race nearby. Oh, yay.
James and Abba reach the bridge. It's another Roadblock…hey, maybe they've eliminated Detours altogether this season? That's just stupid and show-destroying enough that some idiot might have thought it was a good idea. In this Roadblock, the Racer has to operate a pedi-cab that has a tiny carousel attached, making balloon animals for the pre-schoolers riding the carousel. It's so treacly I can feel my skin crawling. On the plus side, it's the kids who have to hand over the clue when the task is completed, so maybe some kid will have a temper tantrum and refuse to comply with the rules. We can only hope.
James takes the roadblock, and we are treated to a montage of children being allegedly cute and blah blah blah. Nothing to do with the Race, of course, just an extended "aww, wook at duh kiddies" bit of child porn (the non-sexual kind), attempting to manipulate our emotions by simply presenting the kids to be adored. You know what I would adore, show? A FUCKING RACE! Jesus. Mary. Joseph, and other dead Jewish people…
Other teams arrive, with Legs, Abbie, Jaymes, and Lexi taking the roadblock. Oh, and it turns out the Roadblocker is given a bicycle pump to inflate their balloons, thus eliminating one possible aspect of competition, i.e., skill at blowing up balloons. I mean, I suck at that, and would be grateful for the pump, but at some point in this episode you might want to have SOME fucking competitive aspect. So far we've had "try to get flights that end up barely mattering, at all", "sit on your ass during a non-race you don't actually participate in", and "inflate balloons without having to use your lungs". For fuck's sake, Larry Hagman could have done a decent job on this leg, before he died…and possibly after dying, too.
(Of course, this is another side-effect of the "adorable" kid props; the longer the Roadblock takes, and the more frustrated the Roadblocker becomes, the more likely the little angels are to start acting up and crying and ruining the whole point of the "pander to the breeders" part of the episode. So let's just get everybody done real fast, and the kiddies all get ice cream! Yay! Who needs to actually "race", anyway?)
Nadiya, Josh, and Brittany [later edit…oops, Caitlin; still having some trouble telling the Blandes apart] will be doing the Roadblock. The only thing that's really making a difference is that MegaJames's legs are too long for the pedi-carousel, and he's hitting his knees on the bar at the top when he pedals, so that's messing him up. This puts Legs in first place (well, it wouldn't bother her if her legs hit the bar, anyway) and she also wins points by noting that the kids are probably getting nauseous from being on the carousel this long.
If a kid pukes all over Monster Tool, then I will take it all back. BEST. LEG. EV-ER.
Will takes the Roadblock, thus inadvertently saving Gary's knees a major beat-down, and Rob also takes the Roadblock, as Lexi, Amy, and Nadiya (what?) finish the task. (It must really favor women, I suppose.) The next clue sends teams to a car dealership.
James, Jaymes and Abbie complete the task. So does Josh , as Brent, continuing his "Stereotyping Across Asia" tour, says that "the gays" are just "naturally" better at balloon animals. George Clooney punches Brent in the face.
(By the way, Brent? You failed to gain any ground on the task, coming in 7th and leaving in the same position. Whereas the "athletic" task that you discounted any hope of succeeding at last episode, Josh actually aced [albeit that P'ing was probably not trying by then]. In conclusion, shut up, Brent. [Said quietly, because I still like them…but I like Josh much more.])
Caitlin makes balloon animals. Will, not so much. And Rob makes me happy by remaining off-screen. (Speaking of off-screen, have you noticed the lack of screencaps? That's because NOTHING is happening. Seriously.)
Legs & Dregs's driver can't find the car dealership, so the Texan/Twin alliance gets there first. And, it's a Detour! (Thank non-existent god.) You can either deliver large blocks of ice to a market, or go to that same market and set up a fish stand. No explanation of why they had to go to a car dealership to get this clue. Unless Indian autos run very differently than ours.
The Texans will be hauling ass, er, ice, while the Twins will be sorting fish. Lexi is wayyy more excited at seeing the blocks of ice than you would think…perhaps she's seen 9 1/2 Weeks a few too many times? (She also says "Teamwork makes the dream work" and if I thought she was quoting the "Let's Go, Mets!" music video, I would love her forever, but I kind of doubt it.)
"Do it, do it, do it…" oops, sorry. Nostalgia moment. (Think Doc ever snorted a line of blow with "do it…" playing in the background? Not impossible, I suppose.)
The Twins haul fish, claiming they're the most bad-ass Sri Lankans ever. Didn't really know Sri Lanka had a "diva" reputation, girls; nice way to dis your entire country, basically.
Caitlin finishes the Roadblock, as does Rob, but Will is struggling, and the flop sweat is fogging up his glasses. He has completed a grand total of 0 of the 8 required balloons, and he's all alone in last place.
Legs and Dregs's cabbie is still lost; so is Monster Tool's.
Team Texi loads the ice. In an interview, Lexi praises Trey's muscles and then says "I had a hook, so I felt like Captain Hook" (ignoring the part where Hook had no hand; good thing she didn't say this in front of Legs, I guess) and then she giggles.
I would say she's stoned, but how could she move her weed across the borders? Not that Trey looks like a rocket scientist, either. Their kids may have IQs in the negative numbers. |
James and Abba's cab has brought them to Wijaya Tire, rather than Wijaya Motors. The Surabaya Taksi Commission may want to protest against this episode, I'm thinking.
The Ja(y)mes Gang and the Dominating Divorcees have found the dealership, though. They decide to work together, and do the ice.
Will has finally blown up the balloons. The kids cheer him and he beats an embarrassed retreat.
Legs and Dregs are still lost. They find a different branch of Wijaya Tire, but that doesn't help with finding Wijaya Motors. Um, does nobody have a phone? It's a general area, and it's a business…give them a call.
Rob and Kelley's cab can't even find a Wijaya Tire. They're just going in circles and Monster Tool is abusing the driver. Yeah, that'll help. Tool.
Josh and Brent find the dealership and decide to do the ice. The 'Dales and the Divorcees are now driving to the market, ice loaded up.
Natalie is apparently diving for fish. WTF?
Quick, shove her in! Put the lid on! Now! No? Poo. |
They seem to be making progress, though, and we see an extended, intercut sequence of them and Texi racing to finish their tasks and (presumably) grab the Express Pass.
The Twins (sigh) finish first and discover it's a "search the market for Phil" kind of Pit Stop. Texi isn't far behind, but Phil isn't hard to find…
The part where the local greeter is the Freddie Krueger of Surabaya helps, I'm sure. |
…and the Twins win the leg. (Sigh.) Classy as ever, they give Phil a full-body hug…
…which doesn't exactly thrill him, as they stink of lies. Er, fish. They stink of fish.
"Thank you for sharing your smell with me," Phil snarks, which should be the episode title. (I wonder if it would be the first time ever that Phil was the person who said the title? No, because the finales sometimes use Phil's "statistics of the Race" speech as the title.) They continue to jump and screech until he hands them the Express Pass, then prays that they go away. (The greeter actually eventually says "Goodbye"…hint, hint!)
Trey and Lexi finish second. Jabba finally finds Wijaya Motors, gets their clue in 6th and chooses the ice. The Blandes show up next, and they will do ice, too.
SubstiTeam is being driven to the dealership, and they look pretty glum. Of course, they don't know that two other teams are lost, so…never give up.
The 'Dales and the Divorcees unload their ice, with Ja(y)mes nearly dropping a piece and Ryan and Abbie spilling the whole "rickshaw". Oh, no, what will happen?
Er, nothing. Apparently, the ice merchant accepts broken pieces, too. Another non-competitive moment, brought to you by Ambien! For when the "Race" can't put you to sleep, Ambien can. (And vice-versa.)
(In fact, at this point, I actually did go to bed. Continuing the next morning…)
The Chippendudes finish third; Ryan thinks they're sixth, so he's pleased with fourth; Josh and Brent finish fifth, quite happily.
Legs and Dregs? Still lost. Monster Tool? Still hates his cabbie. Amy is stretching her legs (sorry) and asks a Fern if she can call information (since, after all, Wijaya Motors is a legitimate business with an address, not some random only locally-known geographical feature) but there's no 411 in Indonesia. Are there phone books? Meantime, Kelley is pushing Rob to just try to get a different cab. We go to nonexistent ads off the dilemma of these two teams, apparently ignoring whether or not SubstiTeam is having similar troubles.
After the break, Monster Tool's cabbie apparently gets information (off-screen) and now seems to know where he's going. Legs and Dregs (who actually have ditched their cab instead of just bitching him out, like Rob incessantly did) get help from the locals on directions, and grab a new cab. And SubstiTeam is still cruising along, no indication as to whether they're making good time or are just as lost.
James and Abba are unloading their ice, while the Blandes are still negotiating the rickshaw, which Caitilin finds "friggin' hilarious"
If they had different personalities, I could talk about how this literally makes them "icy blondes", but they're not like that. Perhaps there will be a task that involves carrying a load of vanilla? |
James and Abba finish the ice.
SubstiTeam and Monster Tool arrive at Wijaya Motors at the same time, and both are energized to realize there's another team as badly boned as they are. (Gary and Will figured their chances were gone with the balloons, and Rob and Kelley got lost.) This would be as dramatic as the late-night "holy fuck, we're not dead yet!" meeting in 20.03 between the Rocker/Soccer Twins and Ralph/Vanessa, except that these teams didn't screw up as horribly as those did (multiple meltdowns on each of their separate Detours, including both teams nearly Bald-Snarking it [choosing to switch Detours in mid-task, as Ken & Gerard did constantly on Race 3], before finally making it through the watermelons/harp strings) and they really were fighting to avoid elimination. Here, unfortunately, it's looking like Legs might not have a limb to stand on.
(Hey, she's going to be out of the race this episode, it appears. Gotta use the bad-taste jokes while I can, right?)
Gary wisely asks which Detour option Rob is taking (the ice) and then decides to do the same, probably figuring that they can outrun Monster Tool in a footrace, if need be. Not that "Mutt and Jeff" look like sprinters, but they're probably faster than two fifty-somethings, one of whom is female and the other of whom has a gut.
The Blandes are stuck in a rut. No, literally; the narrow wheels of their bicycyle/truck are having trouble with the brickwork street at the market. Eventually, they get past it.
James and Abba finish sixth (again) after leading the leg early on (again). Kind of disappointing…would that be a "diminished sixth"? (Not really up on my music terminology, which makes this pun have a large chance of being a bit flat, I suppose.)
Gary nearly takes Will's head off with a block of ice, but fortunately Will is low to the ground and the ice goes right over him. Intercut series of shots of Monster Tool and SubstiTeam doing the ice task, which definitely does not bode well for the still-unseen Legs & Dregs. (A pity; I like them.) Rob does well on a bull-strength task, whereas Will has trouble climbing on to the truckbed for the ride for the market. He's almost teary as he's blaming himself for the balloons, and smacks the boards of the stake-bed pickup in anger.
Legs and Dregs finally reach Wijaya Motors; they also opt for the ice, unknowingly killing their chances of catching up if the fish was easier. The Blandes slide the ice into the stall to the appreciative glances of many sweaty Indonesians. (Hey, you don't see too many blondes in Surabaya, you know?) Legs and Dregs finish loading the ice on the truck and head for the market with Amy saying she believes they are "completely last". She's not wrong…
The Blandes finish in seventh, and are pleasantly surprised. (Well, you left the Roadblock in eighth and didn't get lost, so…)
Monster Tool unloads the ice onto the bicycle/truck. SubstiTeam arrives in their big truck and the two teams spot each other, cheering up Will and worrying Rob. But he gets the ice to the drop-off easily enough, whereas "David and Goliath" (Rob's nickname for the Substitutes, which doesn't really work because David wasn't particularly short and Goliath was a lot more terrifying than Gary) fall to bickering, with Will, at the back, worried that the ice will fall off the front of the bike-shaw (because it's overloaded) and Gary poo-pooing that, until Will lets go of the back and this happens:
What does this mean? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. "Broken ice? No problem!" For fuck's sake. |
Rob packs in his ice, as Amy and Daniel arrive at the market. Rob and Kelley wheel their luggage onto the Mat in eighth place, surprising them, as they thought they were in a race to avoid elimination. Instead, the editors try and make something of SubstiTeam vs. Legs and Dregs, but Gary and Will clearly have a leg up. (Sorry!)
Gary and Will complete the ice and amble through the market, with Gary telling Will to take it in, as they're never going to be here again. (Yes, aside from this being their likely only opportunity to Race, I don't think Surabaya is a big tourist destination.) Meantime, Amy and Daniel are now unloading their ice. Gary continues bitching about how much it sucks that they applied seven times to get on the Race and they got eliminated so early…will this lack of hustle cost them and allow Legs and Dregs (still doggedly putting one foot in front of the other) to catch them?
Of course not. They reach the Mat, await execution, and (in keeping with how shitty this episode is) Phil even half-asses the fake-out. No "I'm sorry to tell you…you are still in the Race", no "you are…team number nine", just "You're still in the Race" and that's it. Bleh. They dork out celebrating, with Gary giving Phil a painfully awkward high-five, and Will declaring "We're going all the way now!" (probably not) and "This is the happiest day of my life!" (Wow. I hope not.)
Amy and Daniel sprint up, trying to leg one out (oh, come on…) and hold hands as they step on the Mat. (Aww.) Hey, I don't think we've ever had a non-elimination on the second leg before (we had a non-elim on Leg 1 in Race 15, and an über-Leg for Leg 1 of Race 18, but I think Leg 2 always ends in Philimination), perhaps this would be a good time to change that?
Nope. They're out.
"Eliminated by shitty Leg design and bad taxi luck, and nothing more! Why, God, why???" |
Well, I guess giving up the clue to Ryan and Abbie didn't blow Legs and Dregs's shot at the second million, after all. Shitfuck.
Amy, being awesome, pulls it together first and hugs Daniel, reminding me of Richie Law hugging his mom (rather than needing her to hug him) after getting cut at the Top 24 of American Idol. Sniff.
And, she's gone. Young, hot, athletic, lost two legs, two kidneys, her spleen, half her hearing, and is stuck dating much lower than she normally would because of her injuries, yet raced her heart out and was only foiled because of one of the worst episodes in the show's history. Poor baby. I'm sure she'll keep going, though…she's 2 Leg-it 2 Quit!
NEXT LEG: Balancing plates, cooking things on your head, and a tuk-tuk race; a double-U-turn leaves the Blandes looking stressed, which presumably means that they're safe. (Yay?)
WRAP-UP: As noted, a horribly bad episode. And I'm not saying that because Legs and Dregs got cut off at the knees; as you can tell, I hated the episode before I ever thought they were in danger.
We had an entire first half that barely mattered, a Roadblock that was more cutesy than challenging (Nadiya excelled and MegaJames and Will struggled, but mostly it was in and out, same as you came), and a Detour where everybody (except the Twins) took the same option, putting the Leg almost entirely in the hands of the Taxi Luck gods, which is about as bad as you can get, short of just pulling placements out of a hat, randomly.
Worst of all was the decision to not make teams that broke their ice go back and get more, which makes no sense culturally (the Ice Merchant wants whole blocks of clean ice, right? Not random shards that have been laying on the ground) or Race-wise. Wouldn't it make more sense that, if one of your Detour choices involves ice, that you had to make decision based on the possible negative qualities of ice, i.e., it's slippery and can break? Ryan/Abbie and (more pertinently) Gary/Will should have paid the pr-ice for their slip-ups; instead they just skated on and Legs and Dregs got frozen out.
Seriously, Amy and Daniel were second in Leg 1, second after the airport semi-bunch, second after the bull "race" and second after the Roadblock…and they're out because their taxi driver can't tell Wijaya Motors from Wijaya Tire? That sucks, frankly.
They were a well-cast team and Amy was very appealing. And what happens? We lose them because of a broken Leg.
Leave a comment or you may be forced to date Daniel. Hey, the universe owes Amy one, you know?
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