Previously on the Amazing Race…we had a very shitty Leg where everybody basically sat around until the Detour, then chose the same option (with one exception) and so the Leg was almost entirely deteremined by Taxi Luck. The very annoying Twin Terrors won, and got the (belated) Express Pass, and Legs & Dregs were eliminated, breaking non-prosthetic hearts across the country. Nine teams are left…who will be eliminated (much as the last Leg should have been)…next?
Credits. I notice that when the Blandes high-five (in front of the rappel practice wall in their ID shot), they pretty much half-ass it. How…blande.
Surabaya is the 2nd largest city on Java. The (Phil doesn't bother to say the name again) Market is the largest Fish Market in Surabaya. The Twins won the Express Pass. The Twins annoy me. The Twins are leaving at 6.07 am. Feel the apathy.
They're going to a restaurant to get their next clue (surely not another eating task so soon?) and run around, asking if anyone speaks English. When they find someone, he says they're headed the wrong way. Oh, well. Oh, and there's a U-turn ahead. (More than one, if you remember the teaser from last episode.)
Fuck 'em, Horns! is leaving at 6.12 am (so they did get decisively beat by the Twins last ep). The Twins have actually stopped to wait for their allies, which doesn't seem much like "racing" to me, but maybe at 6.10 am, they figure it's going to be a bunch, anyways. They point Trexi in the right direction and then say they should wait for "the Strippin' Chippendales" (okay, points for rhyme) because, hey, why not let everybody catch up?
The Strippendales (mashups are shorter) are leaving at 6.16. In their pre-race interview, Jaymes says they live in Las Vegas but "don't let Vegas fool you", they are "good people" from small towns in Virginia and Maine, respectively. Yes, as opposed to all the evil big city folk who put guns to the Ja(y)mes Gang's heads and made them [s]suck dick[/s] be strippers. Shut. Up. "Good people", for fuck's sake. Where's LumberRob's axe? They congratulate themselves for being in an alliance with the other two lead teams. Oy.
Domineering Divorcee Ryan (and Abbie) leave at 6.19 am. Ryan says it's tough to race with someone you're dating because he and Abbie are naturally competitive, even with each other.
'I'm not trying to compete with you, Aggro Boy; I'm just trying not to get trampled.' |
They are glad to have caught up (well not "caught", exactly, as the other teams are STILL waiting around, now 12 minutes after the Twins started "racing") and Ryan interviews that the other teams won't be their challenge, it's each other. And then he puts her in a headlock.
Man, nothing says good wholesome fun more than nearly choking your partner! (And yet, still one of my favorites right now) |
Nineteen minutes after they started, the Twins find a cop who tells them the restaurant is far, and they'll have to grab cabs. The four lead teams do, with the Twins now in fourth.
The Goat Gays leave at 6.26, and if I sound as though I'm less thrilled with them, well…I am, as I've recently found out they're a stunt-cast team, and they have a cooking show on one of the food networks. Yep, millions of gay couples in the country, but you need stuntcasting, huh, show? Sigh.
In an interview, Josh says the teams have separated, with the top four being "Alpha" teams that are really focused on winning, and the back five "just trying to do our best". Jeez, way to bury four of your fellow teams, Josh. Personally, I think James/Abba have run a strong race, they've just had some blowouts. And conversely, I think Monster Tool Rob is just as much an "Alpha" a-hole as anyone else; he's just not performing well because he's old, fat, and stupid, too.
This also counts as perpetuating the "gays can't be competitive" stereotype these two have been working. Alexander the Great conquers a kingdom in protest. They get a cab, seemingly with less difficulty than the "Alpha" pack ahead of them.
James and Abba leave at 6.34. Abba says the other teams think they're out of shape, but that's not true. Well, all that hair probably would increase wind-resistance in a sprint, I'm thinking. They also get a cab.
Texi get to restaurant and find that it's a Roadblock, about a "balanced" meal. Lexi takes it, probably thinking that she's going to have to demonstrate balance (which is easier for women), but actually she has to balance 20 plates in her arms and schlep them to a table to serve. Anything drops and she can just pick it off the floor and hand the broken plates to the diners, no problem! Oh, wait, that was the stupid "we accept broken ice" detour that cost Legs & Dregs the race last episode…sorry. Here, more logically, you drop 'em, you're back to square one.
Team Lovelock, Strippers Against Cancer, and the Goat Gays all converge on the Clue box, the Twins having been swallowed up by the Earth. (I hope, anyhow.) Brent, Ryan, and Jaymes will take it. (Well, James dumps it on Jaymes, to be precise.)
Lexi has her finger caught between two plates and it hurts! Awww, she's as cute as a kitten. (Also, as smart, but you can't have everything.)
Abbie notices that her eardrums aren't exploding from "encouraging" shouts of "TWINNY!!!" and deduces that Natty/Naddy are lost. Yep, Taksi luck is against them this episode, and they even drop their driver without knowing where they can get another.
Are you ready for some Blandes? It's 7.08, and Caitlin and Brittany are getting under way. In their pre-race interview, they talk about how tough they are and that they don't cry. Which I assume means that they'll be crying this episode. Eh, too bad it won't be the Twins.
Oh, and at least Caitlin has learned a local word for "fast". It sounds like "Shabat"…which would be an interesting coincidence.
Lexi carries her plates over, gets 4 of the 20 on the table and the rest fall to the floor. Ryan and Jaymes (armed with long arms and broad hands) seem to be handling this well, as is Brent, except that he's enjoying bantering with the customers so much he lets a single plate slip through his fingers. Skip the repartee, Gertrude Stein…just serve.
(No sign of James and Abba yet; hope they're not following the Twins' cab.)
Jaymes finishes the Roadblock, with Ryan right behind. They have to go to the train station and take a trip, keeping an eye out for their next clue during the ride. As I don't know how many trains the clue distributors can be on, this makes me wary of a mid-leg bunch, which always sucks. We'll see…
Rock 'n Abba pull up, and Abba's taking this one. Lexi finishes and squeals with delight. Brent finishes, still with perhaps too much of a flourish. Abba knocks it out and heads out. All these teams are off to the train station.
The Twins finally find the restaurant, and Nadiya runs right past the Clue Box in the lot. Perhaps as punishment, Natalie makes her do the Roadblock.
It's only 7.22 am, and Monster Tool (and Kelley) are starting. They get a cab.
Cabs arrive at the station: Texi, Goat Gays, Lovelock, and Strippendales. They find out the next train is at 7.36. Will James and Abba be able to stay with the lead pack? Do you want them to win? (I Do, I Do, I Do!)
Nadiya is fumbling with the plates, and the Blandes arrive, with Brittany somewhat unenthusiastically taking the Roadblock. Natty screeches. Nadiya spills the plates all over the table and some hit the floor. Caitlin tells Brittany to stay calm, which is a tactic the Twins would never even consider.
7.32 and Gary and Will are leaving, starting 1hr 25mins behind the (original) lead team, who they might catch up to before long. They talk about how difficult the Race is, but Will still expresses optimism as they get a cab.
"Chattarunga, Naddy!" Natalie screams. Apparently it's their "code word" for relax (wouldn't "relax" be simpler?) and we hear Nadiya say "when Natty screams, I relax", which may be the most oxymoronic thing I've heard in a while. Anyhow, fuck Nadiya…*I* need to relax. So, stop screaming, Natalie.
Nadiya finishes as Monster Tool arrives. Rob is taking the Roadblock, and Brittany finishes soon after.
Rob can do this in his sleep; He just loads the plates on one arm, and balances them against his gut, and knocks it right out. Piece of cake. (Which he may eat on the way out, I'm not sure.)
Gary and Will arrive and Gary will (heh) do it, a wise choice as it turns out, given that his arm is as long as Will's entire body.
We jump to the train station, and jump back at least seven minutes, to 7.25 AM. (SubstiTeam didn't get started until 7.32, remember.) James and Abba arrive, and get on the train. Somehow, the Twins get there before 7.36, and while Nadiya shrills "tell the train to wait", scheduled rail lines rarely work like that, and they get left behind.
Ohhh, the next train doesn't leave until 10.55. Sucks to be you, Twinnies! And also SubstiTeam, Monster Tool, and the Blandes, but I can really lose any of those, much as the Blandes might have some potential. On the train, Ryan gets the schedule information, and Abbie, Lexi, Jaymes and MegaJames flash some serious grins. Can't blame any of them
I'm so jazzed, this almost makes me like Jaymes. |
Meanwhile, the Twins are sad. Awww.
Back at Surabaya, the Blandes and Monster Tool arrive as the Twins are confirming that the next train is quite a ways away. Brittany gets a local to talk to the desk agents, and confirms that the other teams are ahead of them.
Gary finishes the Roadblock, not that he needed to rush.
On the train, the Racers are alert enough to spot the (giant, obvious) Clues with the vendors and learn of the Detour: "Lion's Head" or "Egg Head". Would you rather wear a ginormous ceremonial lion costume and walk/dance in a parade, or hold a coconut half on your head which is then used as a fire pit to cook some eggs? The eggs seem easier, but only the Goaters go for that.
Gary and Will reach the train station, glad of the mini-bunch.
The first train gets to Bangil, and everybody (as provided in the Detour clue) climbs into a "betcha" (betcha it's not actually spelled that way…), a two-person bicycle cab. The Ja(y)mes Gang, who are apparently 6'4" each, have trouble fitting in the betcha, with Jaymes saying that at one point he wound up on James's lap and it looked like they were on a honeymoon.
Yup. GHAY :) |
The Goaters head for the market and everyone else is at the park for the parade. The Strippendales are excited to be dancing, a guy with a whip makes Ryan nervous (see how you like it, dude!) and the parade is underway. Turns out that you have to balance the lion headress on your mouth, so Jaymes starts running on about how he can taste the people who've done this before and "I must have made out with 947 Indonesian dudes today".
The Goaters start serving as human hotplates. Back in Surabaya, train # 2 gets underway. In a post-race interview, Caitlin talks about how knowing how few teams there were in the back of the pack raised the stakes, but makes confident noises about their ability to rise to the occasion. However, Brittany doesn't look so happy and nobody else is getting interviewed like this, so I'm thinking the Blandes are dead meat. Dead blande meat, but still.
Damn, why can't it be the Twins? You tease, Race, you tease…
The four lead teams find the intersection, find the double-blind U-turn, don't use it, and get the clue to go to a local high school. Lovelock gets there first, and wins a trip to Fiji. And Abbie "WHOO!!"s just as loudly as Ryan, so perhaps she is as competitive as he is. I just hope she knows how to put a chokehold on his johnson, just in case.
Texi are second and they compliment Lovelock, saying they knew Ryan and Abbie would be their toughest competition. Ryan demurs, but Trey and Lexi are ready. Bring it on! (As long as it's not math-related, I'm thinking. Or spelling.)
Josh and Brent eat their head-omelets and head to the U-turn.
James and Abba get lost on the grounds of the school and the Strippendales run past them to finish…third. Clearly, they were hoping they were first, but no such luck. James and Abba take fourth, their highest placing to date even though this is the first Leg they haven't led at any time.
On the second train, various teams fret about the U-Turn. Meantime, Josh and Brent won't use it.
Everyone on the train gets the Detour clue and they all chose the lion. Which is a wise choice, seeing how Josh and Brent fared doing the eggs. Speaking of them, they finish fifth, their "first or fifth" gamble having not benefited them, but not hurt them, either.
The second train pulls into Bangil and three teams barrel off the train and into the "betchas" which are now called "doucats" for a reason I can't begin to comprehend. All except SubstiTeam, who are screwed both by luck (their part of the train wasn't against the platform, so they had a harder dismount), poor planning (this is why you stay close to the other teams, guys) and stupidity, as they don't know what the "doucats" are and since the other teams have already left, they waste time before figuring that it must be the bicycle carts swarming around them.
The Blandes' cabbie doesn't have change and doesn't do a great job of explaining the fare to them, so Brittany kind of loses it, before finally getting the right figure (allegedly) and paying him. And that's why, when you have three hours to kill at a train station, you change your money so you have all denominations. Plan ahead, girls!
Still, they're ahead of SubstiTeam. The Twins finish the Lion Head, as do Monster Tool (so it's looking as though the two teams I hate are safe…sigh), and then they try and build "suspense" by intercutting the Blandes and GW, but Caitlin and Brittany clearly are in front.
Off to the U-Turn, and the Twins won't use it. Natalie does linger to look at their picture and pronounce it "cute", which gets her back some points with me, but a shrilled "Natty, come ONNNNNN!" and they're off again.
Rob and Kelley arrive, and Kelley thinks that only SubstiTeam is behind them, so they U-Turn G/W just in case they can't find the Pit Stop or something. Reasonable. (I guess she didn't see Brittany's fight with the cab driver, huh?)
The Blandes finish, with Caitlin constantly having to wheedle Brittany, who looks to be dragging. They get in their whatever and head to the intersection. Gary and Will finish the parade.
The Twins run into the school, and finish sixth. Rob and Kelley and their wheeled luggage finish seventh, once again surviving a duel for the "last spot" that actually wasn't. Still, they're showing some resilience.
We still have seven minutes of show left, so it's a pretty good bet that the Blandes do NOT get to the U-Turn next…darn.
And, indeed, their driver gets lost and they have to switch whatevers. So Gary and Will get to the Double-Blind-U-Turn (the DBUT) first and here the "blind" aspect pays off in an unexpected way; since they don't know who U-Turned them, they don't know that Monster Tool is ahead of them, and they can't decide whether to U-Turn them or the Blandes. Gary argues for Monster Tool, but leaves the decision in Will's hands, and Will chooses…commercial!
(And, cheap suspense, but not a great Leg, so understandable.)
And…they U-Turned Monster Tool! Whoops. Meanwhile, the Blandes are stil having bad luck…gee, remember when SELF-navigation was a big part of this race? (As recently as last season.) Here we are, finishing up Leg 3, and there hasn't been a single "drive yourself" clue yet. Sigh. (Or even "make your way on foot", which is essentially the same thing.)
Stll, the Blandes have managed to arrive at the park where the egg-heading is going on. I think part of their problem was they kept saying the name of the building ("Perliman") they were looking for, when the clue was specific about the three intersecting streets. That seems to have been a better clue.
Okay, so we do get some funny, as Gary and Will are all "enjoy the experience, we're probably dead" cruising through the egg-head, not realizing the Blandes are maybe 500 feet away and freaking out. Finally Caitlin (I think) reasons that the U-Turn can't be a the site of the second Detour option, but is more likely to be equidistant and they went past it. They leave, and get to the U-Turn right after SubstiTeam finishes the eggs.
The Blandes speed off and head for the school…only to end up right back at the U-Turn, which really has to be a failure on the part of the driver; I mean, he knew they didn't want to go in a circle, right? Brittany is really stewing now, saying how frustrating it is that the driver didn't speak English and doubtless earning the wrath of all the "ugly American!" decriers on various forums. But hey, it WAS frustrating, and it's not as if she said he SHOULD have spoken English, just that it was a problem. "For the love of God, Shapat!" Brittany groans to the driver.
And they're still ahead of SubstiTeam, who has been sucking so strongly now, it's surprising they've made it this far.
Or at least that's what the editing tells us, but the next time we see the Blandes they're coming up behind the Substitutes, after all. So either their driver got lost a third time, or they jiggled the editing here a little.
The girls go into "be vewy quiet, I'm hunting wabbits" mode and then as they creep up behind the SubstiTeam whatever, they urge their drive to pass, which he does…and pulls away…and then goes the wrong way at a fork in the road, allowing Gary and Will to reach the school first. So that's three, maybe four screwups for this genius. Sigh.
Gary and Will can't find Phil for a few seconds, but they eventually stumble in, placing eighth and quite rightly crediting "nothing but luck" for their survival. The Blandes arrive eventually, and get bounced. Ouch.
NEXT EP: Off to Dhaka, Stripper James has to paint a bus, and Monster Tool is on a slow boat to (hopefully) oblivion. I would say "probably not", but the Blandes did bite it this Leg, so maybe that will be two consecutive spoilers? I can only hope.
WRAP-UP: Another mediocre Leg, where horrible Taksi Luck overcame shitty racing and a bad U-Turn decision by the Scrubs (easier than "SubstiTeam", conveys the same message, and has a more pejorative tone, IMO). Really not a great start to the season; usually by this point, there's been a kick-ass leg, I think. Race 18 started with an über-leg, Race 19 had the double-elim in episode 2 and the Temple-puzzle roadblock in ep 3, and last season had the kickass episode 3 I mentioned last review. This is just poorly-designed and too luck-dependent; the Race needs (or needed, as I'm watching after the fact) to pick it up, and fast.
Leave a comment or Gary and Will will U-Turn you. (It probably won't make any difference, but why should that stop them?)
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